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Lack time and want to achieve more with less effort? Have you heard of "Life Leverage" by Rob Moore I recommend it. 
It’s a about leveraging your time, money, and energy to achieve your goals and living our dream. 
It teaches you how to "Leverage Your Time, your Money, and your Energy” 
It’s a myth that clinical depression is something you must live with for the rest of your life. 
Over the last 12 years I have seen over 2000 clients and those with depression have recovered completely. It’s not that I am magic it’s that the life changing process I use based on my training that really works. Depression is an illness and often caused by suppressed frozen traumatic feelings in our subconscious mind that colour and inform our feelings and beliefs. In my sessions these are gently removed and released to free clients from their depression once and for all. I have always done my homework over the years in researching, adding to my learning about the body and mind and I really understand the emotional mechanics of clinical depression and regularly collapse it successfully. Yes, you don’t need to suffer any longer than you need. 
.Running a business can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also be incredibly stressful. Business owners are often responsible for the success or failure of their company, and this pressure can take a toll on their mental health. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the common mental health issues that business owners may face and offer some tips for managing these challenges 
It’s National Haiku Poem Day Today! Enjoy this little Poem I found. 
‘You do not see me. 
I am hiding in plain sight. 
Look behind my eyes.’ 
To celebrate I have found this little Haiku Poem written by 
Lauren at Wild Lovely World website. Thank you, Lauren for your gift to the world. 
My take on this is that it is about a person wearing an invisible mask, veiling their true feelings and thoughts wanting to be free and seen really but deeply afraid it’s not safe. 
My Counselling practice is called True Freedom for a reason and that is why that poem resonated with me as I help people escape once and for all. 
Do know a Haiku poem you’d like me to share with others? DM me I would love to see it. 
Foods To Avoid When Fighting Depression 
Though there can be hundreds of causes for chronic depression, a healthy diet can wash away the effect of depression. You need to be careful with the choice of food. The below list contains the foods that are recommended to avoid if you have depression: 
Presenteeism can lead to burnout, stress, and physical health problems such as sleep deprivation, headaches, and even heart disease. These health issues can reduce an individual's ability to perform at their best, leading to decreased productivity and decreased job satisfaction. In turn, this can lead to a vicious cycle of decreased morale and increased presenteeism. 
In addition to the health impacts, presenteeism can also have a significant impact on the organisation's bottom line. When employees are feeling overwhelmed, they may struggle to focus and complete tasks to the best of their ability, leading to decreased productivity and efficiency. This can result in missed deadlines, decreased quality of work, and even decreased profits. 
So, what can organisations do to prevent presenteeism and promote a healthier work-life balance for their employees? Here are a few effective strategies: 
Encourage flexible work arrangements: Allowing employees to have more control over their schedule can help reduce stress and burnout, as well as improve overall job satisfaction. 
Provide support for employee well-being: This can include access to healthcare services, corporate counselling services, physical therapies or employee assistance programs. 
Promote healthy habits: Encourage employees to take breaks, stretch, and engage in physical activity throughout the day. 
Lead by example: Managers and leaders can help set the tone by modelling a healthy work-life balance and encouraging their team to do the same. 
Whether you believe the science behind blue Monday or not, there’s no denying that this point in January can leave you feeling a bit, well, blue. 
The sun is still gone by the time we log off work, it's cold and raining a lot of the time, and the magic of Christmas already feels like a thing of the past (although our bank accounts don't always seem to reflect that). Alone, a rainy day might not be enough to bring you down, but when lots of these factors feel true over a prolonged period of time, it can leave you feeling low, anxious and sometimes depressed. 
Have your new year's resolutions gone out of the window already? 
I can assure you that, if they have, you’re not alone. With 23% of people quitting on their resolutions within the first week of setting them, there must be a better way to set ourselves up for success - right? 
Well, yes, you are right. And, although it might sound like a minor tweak, setting yourself intentions rather than resolutions might be a better approach to get you to where you want to be. 
Where is your head at right now? 
Is it completely focused on the here and now as you read this article? Or is it skipping forwards a couple of hours, days or even weeks trying to prepare for a future problem or event? 
A scarcity mindset is the thing that keeps many of us from achieving our goals. 
It’s that little voice in the back of our heads that stops us going for that promotion, upping our prices, asking for that pay rise and all those other things we manage to talk ourselves out of. It holds us back by telling us things like…