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Posts from April 2023

.Running a business can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also be incredibly stressful. Business owners are often responsible for the success or failure of their company, and this pressure can take a toll on their mental health. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the common mental health issues that business owners may face and offer some tips for managing these challenges 
It’s National Haiku Poem Day Today! Enjoy this little Poem I found. 
‘You do not see me. 
I am hiding in plain sight. 
Look behind my eyes.’ 
To celebrate I have found this little Haiku Poem written by 
Lauren at Wild Lovely World website. Thank you, Lauren for your gift to the world. 
My take on this is that it is about a person wearing an invisible mask, veiling their true feelings and thoughts wanting to be free and seen really but deeply afraid it’s not safe. 
My Counselling practice is called True Freedom for a reason and that is why that poem resonated with me as I help people escape once and for all. 
Do know a Haiku poem you’d like me to share with others? DM me I would love to see it. 
Foods To Avoid When Fighting Depression 
Though there can be hundreds of causes for chronic depression, a healthy diet can wash away the effect of depression. You need to be careful with the choice of food. The below list contains the foods that are recommended to avoid if you have depression: