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True Freedom

Therapeutic Counselling & NLP 

Relationship gone wrong? Suffering with depression? Experiencing anxiety all the time? Lonely? Isolated? Finding Expatriate life hard? Not sure who you are? Persistently unhappy? Anger management issues? Coping with bereavement? Low self esteem? Never feel good enough despite your achievements? Confused? Ill health? Eating disorder? Family problems? Experiencing abuse? Can’t cope? 

Emotional Therapeutic Counselling & NLP can and does get the results you are looking for.   

After having Counselling with us, you will: 
Feel Happy, Calm and In Control 
Enjoy Your Life to the Full 
Attract Quality Friendships and Enjoy Socialising 
Be Clear on What You Want and Which Direction You Want Your Life To Go 
Find ‘Real Authentic You’ and Feel Freer and More Joyful 
Discover Your Meaning and Purpose In Life 
Enjoy Living in your Skin 
Embrace and Enjoy ‘Alone Time’ 
Feel Greater Contentment and Desire in your Relationship 
Attract Your Solemate 
Smile More and Feel Refreshed and Healthier. 
Have The Confidence To Achieve Your Life Dreams. 
Recover Yourself and Your Life Following a Loss 
Restore Your Emotional Health if you are an Adult who was Sexually Abused as a Child. 
How we will deliver these results for you 
Weekly 50 minutes high quality online video calls with you (working towards your desired outcomes). 
Sessions are structured and include detailed history taking. 
Using an integrative approach with interactive, creative, talking therapies. We are able to draw on a range of techniques and approaches tailored to suit your personality and needs. 
Visualisation to identify & release emotions frozen in your subconcious mind. 
Drawing tools and writing tools 
Your Timeline/Family Rule Book 
Identifying out of date Survival Techniques 
Techniques & tools to manage and ultimately eradicate anxiety issues 
Analysis of your behaviours & reactions to triggers 
Physical techniques and tools 
Anchoring new beliefs and overcoming negative habits (NLP) and other exercises. 
Inner child approaches 
Ego state techniques 
Tapping exercise 
Attachment figure exercises 
Challenging thoughts 
And many more…. 
Therapeutic Counselling 
Have the Results You Came for – We offer successful online emotion-focused, therapy sessions. After all, we appreciate time is precious and you don’t want to waste a minute longer feeling like this. 
Emotional Therapeutic Counselling & NLP
You will be encouraged to take ownership in the process so you feel back in control. 
The therapy goes at your pace and the number of sessions will vary according to your needs but as soon as you feel you have achieved what we agreed then formal sessions will come to an end. 
If you feel you might benefit from speaking with one of our team and want to know more about it, feel free to email me on the address below to arrange a confidential chat. 
Emotional Therapeutic Counselling & NLP
True Freedom
It is important for you to find a therapist you feel comfortable with and we offer an initial consultation (20-30 minutes) so we can meet and you can ask any questions you may have to help you make the right choice for you. Therapy sessions generally last 50 minutes. 
Please contact Sarah Cunliffe on the address below to arrange a confidential chat.