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Do you often feel lonely? If so, read on, there is light at the end of the tunnel 
The Healing Your Aloneness Workbook by Erika J.Chopich and Margaret Paul teaches you why we feel lonely and how to be the adult-loving parent to our lonely inner child in our subconscious mind. 
Many of us unwittingly grow up looking to others for a feeling of worth, validation, security, and company but it leaves us vulnerable, alone, unsafe, and out of touch with our wonderful true selves. 
This book shows you how to build up a relationship with yourself and define your worth based on your values, standards and self-love. You learn how to parent your younger inner self and also reconnect with that playful, creative and intuitive part of yourself that may have been hidden or you may have been disassociated from for years. This relationship allows both parts of a person to no longer ever feel alone but also to understand that identity, security and worth come from within. To make dependable friends with yourself and ditch aloneness this is the answer wrapped into this book cover & full of brilliant exercises, questionnaires, visualisations and more - it will likely change your life! 
Aloneness can come from social anxiety, shame, not feeling good enough, or bereavement these links maybe of help to you: 
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