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One great book I am listening to on Audible right now is Gabon Mate’s Scattered Minds about the origins and healing of Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder so I can better support and understand my clients with it.. 
1.There is a lot of scepticism around it because many of the individual symptoms alone could belong to those without the disorder. Without a person realising, they have it or a diagnosis, the person often can have experienced years of shame, misjudgement and feelings of failure through no fault of their own. 
2. Those with ADHD will have at least 2 or 3 of the following challenges: difficulty staying on a task, paying attention, daydreaming or tuning out, organisational issues and hyper focus. 
Those with it find it incredibly difficult to feel motivated to stay focussed if the task is uninteresting or unrewarding but respond well to urgent deadlines and often hyperfocus on things that they do find interesting. 
3. The origins are ADHD - brain has impaired activity in 4 areas of the brain. 
“ADHD, which stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that significantly interfere with an individual's functioning or development. It commonly starts in childhood and may continue into adulthood. People with ADHD often struggle with maintaining attention, organising tasks, and impulsivity, and may display hyperactive or restless behaviour. 
Counselling can be an effective therapeutic approach to support individuals with ADHD. Through counselling, clients can gain a better understanding of their condition, learn coping strategies, and develop skills to manage their symptoms. Counsellors provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment for clients to express their concerns, frustrations, and challenges and that can also include ADHD. 
Individuals improve organisational skills, time management, and develop effective strategies to enhance focus and attention. Additionally, counselling can help individuals build self-esteem, develop social skills, and improve relationships affected by ADHD-related challenges. 
Overall, counselling empowers individuals with ADHD to improve their self-awareness, develop practical skills, and establish strategies to navigate the difficulties associated with the disorder. It can provide valuable support and guidance to lead a fulfilling and successful life.” 
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