What am I like to work with?
Clients describe me as: capable, intelligent, approachable, professional, honest, a good listener and someone who will gently challenge procrastination and be very supportive in helping empowering you overcome any fears because ultimately, I am focussed on helping you get what you came for.
I have a broad outlook on life and have worked in other different industries in the past including IT, Financial Services, Engineering, Aviation & Energy Sectors as well as the Arts, MOD & Public Sector. I have worked for 9 years as qualified Counsellor.
How will I deliver these results for you?
Talking & Building up a detailed history of your life
Drawing tools and writing tools
Visualisation to identify & release emotions frozen in your subconcious mind.
Your Timeline/Family Rule Book
Identifying out of date Survival Techniques
Techniques & tools to manage and ultimately eradicate anxiety issues
Analysis of your behaviours & reactions to triggers
Physical techniques and tools
Anchoring new beliefs and overcoming negative habits (NLP) and other exercises.
And many more….