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You’re a creative. You have the vision, the talent, the spark. You're on a mission to share your passion with the world. But, lurking in the shadows is a persistent doubt… 
“What if my work isn’t as good as everyone expects?” 
Even in the midst of success, this nagging voice can pop up and completely shatter your confidence with a few small words: “You are a fraud. An imposter, you're just not that talented.” 
The creative journey can be a rollercoaster at the best of times, and the pressure to constantly push your limits can be immense. Your ability to set yourself apart is often what you’ve built your career on. But when we add this pressure on top of the high standards we often put on ourselves, it can create a perfect platform for self-doubt. Sharing your work can feel like exposing a vulnerable part of yourself. And the fear of criticism or rejection can be paralysing and where once it brought joy and freedom of expression now every piece of work feels like a leap of faith you’re not sure you’re ready to take. 
The creative process is a messy one - and that's ok - but knowing the difference between pushing yourself to do better and letting imposter syndrome hold you back can be a difficult line to walk. 
Recognising the signs of imposter syndrome 
So, how do you know when it’s imposter syndrome that’s holding you back? Well, I’d like you to ask yourself the following questions… 
Do you often find yourself avoiding tasks because you’re afraid they won’t be perfect? 
Are you hesitant to try new things or take risks because you’re worried about making mistakes? 
Do you frequently find yourself comparing your life or achievements to others? 
Are you consistently prioritising work or other commitments over self-care and rest? 
Do you tend to attribute your success to luck or external factors rather than your own abilities? 
If you answered yes to two or more of these questions, then chances are something more than ‘perfectionism’ is holding you back from submitting or getting satisfaction from your work. 
Imposter syndrome is such a common challenge in the creative field. The key is to recognise it, challenge it and develop a strategy to overcome it. 
Silencing your inner critic 
The first step in silencing your inner critic is to recognise that imposter syndrome is a mind game. Those negative thoughts are not necessarily a reflection of reality. Instead of letting them dictate your actions, challenge them head-on by reminding yourself of your skills, talents, and past successes. Positive affirmations can be a really powerful tool for boosting your self-belief. 
It’s also important to build a supportive network of fellow creatives who you can share your experiences with, both triumphs and setbacks. It can be incredibly liberating knowing that others face similar doubts and challenges in their work. And, when self-doubt starts to creep in, they can help you negotiate the line between unhealthy perfectionism and excellence achieved without the gun to your head pressure of the outcome - helping get your work published or encouraging you to keep pushing to get it done. 
Overcoming imposter syndrome is an ongoing journey, not a destination. It’s about developing a healthy relationship with self-doubt, setting achievable goals, and celebrating your wins. Every experience, whether a success or a setback, is an opportunity to learn and grow. Don’t let the fear of not being good enough hold you back. With awareness, perseverance, and a supportive community, you can silence the inner critic and unleash your full creative potential. 
It’s time to embrace the process, trust your instincts, and create without hesitation. But if you’d like some help with this, drop me an email or click here if you would like to try my confidential online imposter syndrome test. 
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